Ἐπιστολὴ πρὸς τὴ Φλεβοτόμο
A Letter from the Managing Editor
I often feel sorry for the blood-sucking near-linguists—phlebotomists, that is. At cocktail parties they must continually let people down. Someone mis-hears their profession and so it begins: “Oh, you are a practitioner of the subtle art of Φωνολογία, are you? I have always found the systematic use of sound to encode meaning to be fascinating. Wait. What? Venipuncture? Oh, dear me. It all sounds so, well, venal!” Poor dears.
Of course, there was that one time when I was wandering the halls of a certain university at a time when I actually needed some blood drawn. I thought it was uncommonly lucky to find someone qualified to do so in the linguistics department. I ended up with someone trying to find minimal pairs and contrasting segments in my body because I had misread the sign on the door, which said ‘phonologist’. Fortunately, I noticed the error before the phonemectomy had begun. So, I suppose it goes both ways.
With that, I offer hearty congratulations to the Chiasmus of the Month Award winner for March 2011!
Elmar Schafroth,
«Crisi nelle lingue—lingue in crisi»
in: Elmar Schafroth/Christine Schwarzer/Domenico Conte (Hg.), Krise als Chance aus historischer und aktueller Perspektive/Crisi e possibilità: prospettive storiche e attuali, Oberhausen (Athena) 2010, 145-177.
Chiasmus of the Month
March 2011
Letters to the Editor |
SpecGram Vol CLXI, No 2 Contents |