SHRLI: Stealthy High Resolution Linguistic Intake—Hellgrün Dunkelblau, Ph.D. and Myrkur-Viviti Темнота SpecGram Vol CLVIII, No 4 Contents Ple Nvæn-ila Fieldwork Puzzle—Claude Searsplainpockets



Bringing home the data since 1912

When Franz Boas asked us to design the first linguistic data harvester, we took up the challenge. And we don’t think we’re just being proud when we say that we still love to look at the results:

That’s Franz himself riding the very first John Deere Linguistic Data Harvester®. Behind him, Edward Sapir stands grinning astride the first mound of Sioux data ever collected by a machine. We hear that’d be called a corpus, nowadays, but it doesn’t matter to usthat’s one big pile of data, and the harvesting sure didn’t take long!

Times have changed, and so have your data gathering needs. Just like an old friend, John Deere has changed too, to keep up with the times. We still think we make the best harvesters around. And we think you’ll agree, whether you call it a corpus or just a plain old pile of data. Either way, you just hop on a Deere and be reminded how much fun linguistic fieldwork can be.



SHRLI: Stealthy High Resolution Linguistic Intake—Hellgrün Dunkelblau, Ph.D. and Myrkur-Viviti Темнота
Ple Nvæn-ila Fieldwork Puzzle—Claude Searsplainpockets
SpecGram Vol CLVIII, No 4 Contents