I have just been informed that during this last month one Silas O’Toole, a dedicated abstractionist known apparently to his linguistic colleagues as “Rules” O’Toole, in a paper delivered to the Linguistic Circle of Wyoming, proposed deriving Middletown from Moses with “only eighteen ordered processes.”
I will not dignify these “rules” by repeating them here;
O’Toole obviously takes us for a bunch of low-
I have therefore proceeded to invert O’Toole’s analysis and derive instead Moses from Middletown; there are two possibilities. (To be sure, the first alternative leaves the issue of accretion vs. loss somewhat moot.)
I. A naive solution.
//midltawn// -idltawn Deletion m -oziz Insertion moziz
This solution definitely has the advantage of simplicity, but
the rules seem somewhat ad hoc. The second solution posits rules
which are or will be well-
II. A sophisticated solution.
//midltawn// d-Assimilation milltawn l-Deletion miltawn l-Deletion schon wieder mal mitawn Spirantization misawn Voizing mizawn Monoflippinphthongization mizon Vowel Harmono mozon Syncope mozn Anglo-Frisian Brightening <:-> n-Assimilation mozz Epenthesis moziz