When I Heard the Learn’d Computational LinguistWhen I heard the learn’d computational linguist;When the stats, the rules, were ranged in tables before me; When I was shown the chart- When I, sitting, heard the computational linguist, where she lectured with many algorithms in the lecture- How many times—uncountably!—I became dazed and confused; Till rising and gliding out, I wander’d off into a crowd, In the many- Comput’d in perfect silence the meaning of their words. When I Heard the Learn’d Documentary LinguistWhen I heard the learn’d documentary linguist;When the vow’ls, the cons’nants, were ranged in charts before me; When I was shown the word lists and the example sentences, to show, compare, and describe them; When I, sitting, heard the documentary linguist, where he lectured with much applause in the lecture- How soon, unaccountable, all became blurry and strange; Till falling and falling, I woke up by myself, In the mystical moist night- Realiz’d in perfect silence that there is no learn’d documentary linguist. |