Call for Volunteers

Unfortunately, SpecGram is ceasing publication in late 2025, so we will no longer be needing any new volunteer editors.

If you’d like to help out your favorite journal of satirical linguistics, you can join us!

Volunteer Editors: We’re always looking to expand the rolls of our editorial board. Duties include proofreading new issues before they are published, advising the senior editors on various projects, contributing to collaborative articles, and even suggesting ideas for articles or projects. There’s no specific required level of participation, but it’d be great if you had time to proofread most new issues during the the last week of the month.

Rewards include membership in a fairly exclusive club, immense self-satisfaction, and the occasional inclusion on the cover of SpecGram as an “Editorial Associate”; the ambitious can aspire to the rank of “Associate Editor”.

If you’d like to be an editor, please send me an email at the address below. Feel free to include a few sentences about yourself and your background, and maybe mention how you can further SpecGram’s goals of world domination.

Articles: Of course, no matter what has led you here, you can submit an article to SpecGram! Check out our submissions page for more info, or just go ahead and send something in.


Trey Jones
Editor-in-Chief, Speculative Grammarian