SpecGram Early Edition

We provide SpecGram Early Editions of timely, relevant articles that our readers need to see as soon as possible (rather than a month or three from now, when no one will care about this apparently hot topic anymore). This article will appear in an upcoming issue of SpecGram, possibly in a significantly altered form (e.g., proofread and edited for length, content, and coherence), and this Early Edition may be taken down at any time. We’re a fickle lot.

Linguists remind America: it is not safe to watch the World Series

Once again, the “boys of October” aim to capture the attention of America with the oddly-named “World Series.” In this year’s edition, the St. Louis Cardinals are up against the Texas Rangers, and only one team will emerge victorious.

Speculative Grammarian would like to remind its readers of the important research which we published in February 2011. The important fact is this: watching baseball has narcotic effects. That is, baseball is like a drug. And we do not want any of you to take drugs!

Thus, we recommend that you do not watch any part of the World Series. Or, if you must watch, we beg you not to drive for several hours afterwards.

You can read the original article here.