Fill in the BlanksLinguistics Award

Fill in each box below with an abstract adjective.

Fill in the box below with the adjectival form of a linguistic sub-field.

Fill in each box below with the adjectival form of a non-linguistic science.

Fill in the box below with the adjectival form of the name of a country.

Fill in each box below with an adjectival past participle of a verb.

Fill in each box below with an adjectival present participle of a verb.

Fill in the box below with an adjective describing a period of time (e.g. daily, monthly).

Fill in each box below with an adverb.

Fill in the box below with an animal in the plural.

Fill in the box below with a concrete mass noun.

Fill in each box below with an emotion (noun).

Fill in the box below with a famous linguist.

Fill in the box below with a female first name.

Fill in the box below with a household object.

Fill in each box below with an integer.

Fill in each box below with an integer greater than 1.

Fill in each box below with a kind of food.

Fill in each box below with a language.

Fill in each box below with a linguistic sub-field.

Fill in each box below with a male first name.

Fill in each box below with a named geographic location.

Fill in the box below with the nominalized form of a transitive verb of action.

Fill in the box below with a non-linguistic science or other discipline.

Fill in the box below with one of the seven deadly sins.

Fill in each box below with an ordinal number.

Fill in the box below with the past tense of a transitive verb.

Fill in the box below with a period of time.

Fill in the box below with a personal attribute.

Fill in each box below with a plural count noun.

Fill in the box below with the present participle of a transitive verb of motion.

Fill in each box below with the present participle of a verb.

Fill in the box below with a profession.

Fill in the box below with a short sentence in the first person.

Fill in each box below with a student or professional academic title.

Fill in each box below with a surname.

Fill in the box below with the term for a practitioner of a linguistic sub-field.

Fill in the box below with a type of utterance or vocalization (plural).

Fill in each box below with a university or college.