Fill in the BlanksCourse Announcement

Fill in each box below with an abbreviation for an advanced degree.

Fill in each box below with an abstract adjective.

Fill in each box below with the adjectival form of a linguistic sub-field.

Fill in the box below with the adjectival form of a subject, or discipline related to linguistics.

Fill in the box below with an animal, in the singular.

Fill in each box below with a concrete adjective.

Fill in the box below with a concrete noun, in the singular.

Fill in each box below with a day of the week.

Fill in each box below with a first name.

Fill in the box below with a named geographic entity (city, state, country, continent).

Fill in each box below with a noun, in the plural.

Fill in each box below with a number, written as digits, greater than one.

Fill in the box below with a subject, discipline, or pastime not related to linguistics.

Fill in the box below with a subject, or discipline related to linguistics.

Fill in each box below with a surname.

Fill in the box below with a unit of time, plural.