Most theories of phonology (morphophonology, morphology) allow for suppletion, whereby the allomorphs of a morpheme are completely unrelated phonetically. In discussing English phonology, one example of suppletion that is frequently cited is go [gōw] ~ went [went]. Within generative phonology (taken here essentially in the sense of Chomsky & Halle (1968)), one attempts to set up a single underlying representation for all allomorphs of a morpheme. The fact (if it is a fact) that suppletion exists, i.e. that certain allomorphs of a single morpheme do not have a single underlying representation, can have a cataclysmic effect on this principle of generative phonology, since once one allows distinct underlying representations for the root of go and went, one is already on the slippery slope leading to such heresies as denying the underlying representations for such obviously related pairs as gonad ~ nativity or fart ~ petard. In this paper, we shall argue that the root morpheme of go/went does indeed have a single underlying representation. The rules required to derive the surface phonetic forms are either (i) rules that are independently required by the analysis of English phonology presented in Chomsky & Halle (1968), or (ii) natural phonological rules, such as occur in a wide range of genetically, areally, and typologically unrelated languages
The two aspects of the go ~ went alternation that might seem to give the most difficulty are the alternation of the initial consonants [g] ~ [w], and the alternation [ōw] ~ [en]; the final [t] of [went] is readily analyzable as the past tense ending. We propose to handle the [g] ~ [w] alternation by providing an underlying segment that combines features of both [g] and [w]. (Compare Chomsky & Halle’s analysis of the [i] ~ [ǣy] alternation with underlying /ī/, which combines the quality of [i] with the tenseness of [ǣy].) The obvious candidate is [gw]. This segment is already required in English phonology (Chomsky & Halle 1968:223-4), in the underlying forms of words like language; moreover, it forms a voice pair with /kw/ of queen and delinquent. Chomsky & Halle mention only the development of /gw/ to [gw], so it might seem that some kind of exception mechanism must be introduced to develop /gw/ to [g] in go and [w] in went. But this is illusory. In English, phonetic [kw] (from /kw/) occurs both initially and medially (queen, delinquent); however, [gw] (from /gw/) occurs only medially (language), and never initially, apart from obviously unassimilated loans like Gwen and guano, which must be treated as exceptions. We must obviously look for an explanation for the asymmetry in the distribution of [kw] and [gw]; there is no reason why this should reflect an asymmetry in the distribution of underlying /kw/ and /gw/, rather it suggests that underlying initial /gw/ undergoes some development other than [gw]. The pair go ~ went shows us what this other development is: either to [g] (with loss of distinctive roundness, before rounded vowels) or to [w] (with loss of the velar component elsewhere):
(1) gw →
g / # ----
V [+round] w / # ---- [gw Development]
In analyzing the [ōw] ~ [en] alternation, we shall first concentrate on the fact that there is an alternation between a diphthong (deriving, of course, from an underlying tense vowel) and a sequence vowel–nasal, i.e., at a slightly more abstract level of analysis, between V and
V [+nasal] → V N /
-cont(Nasal Epenthesis) (3) V → [-nasal] (Denasalization)
We may note that both the processes discussed so far
We have already suggested that the final [t] of [went] is the past tense ending. However, except after voiceless consonants (with [-t]) and alveolar plosives (with [-id]), the past tense ending in English is usually [d], not [t], so it might seem that here we have another ad hoc explanation to the hitherto formulated rules of English phonology. Again, this is illusory. There are several verbs which have, in the present tense, the final sequence tense vowel plus nasal, and in the past tense the final sequence lax vowel plus nasal plus [t], at least as a possible form, e.g. dream [drīm] ~ dreamt [dremt], lean [līn] ~ leant [lent]; examples with sonants other than nasals are likewise found, e.g. kneel [nīl] ~ knelt [nelt], feel [fīl] ~ felt [felt]. The short vowel and final [t] of went is just another manifestation of this phenomenon, and therefore merits the same analysis. At an underlying level, and for the moment just using V as a symbol for the vowel, we have
The sequence
The only remaining problem is the qualitative alternation between [ōw] of go and [e] of went. Even this has a ready explanation, utilizing only rules required independently, if we assume that this segment is underlyingly
(4) V →
-α back
-α round/
α back
This would shift underlying
Vowel Shift of lax vowels accounts for such alternations as sit [sit] ~ sat [sæt]: just as /ī/ gives /ǣy] by Diphthongization and Vowel Shift, so /i/ would give /æ/ by Vowel Shift, though with lax vowels Vowel Shift applies only to a handful of forms. One of these forms is went: just as /ǣ/ gives [ēy] by Diphthongization and Vowel Shift, so /æ/ would give [e] by Vowel Shift. Thus input
Finally, we summarize the proposed derivations of go and went:
(5) gwɔ̃̄ gwɔ̃̄ # d gwɔ̃̄ + t Boundary Readjustment gwɔ̃ + t Laxing gwɔ̃n + t Nasal Epenthesis gwɔ̄ gwɔn + t Denasalization gwæn + t Backness Adjustment gwɔ̄w Diphthongization gwōw gwen + t Vowel Shift gōw wen + t gw Development
* Michael Covington, who brought to the author’s attention the proposed anthology of linguistic levity and ludicrosity, is hereby thanked and absolved of all responsibility.
Chomsky, Noam & Halle, Morris. 1968. The Sound Pattern of English. New York: Harper and Row.
* * * * * * * *
A New Approach to Economy in Generative Phonology
A → B / C ___
I → J / V ___E → Bj / Č ___
cf, Skt., Fr. ai → e.
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