NEW CONCORD, OH. (wire services) Academicians nationwide have turned
their eyes on tiny Muskingum College here, awaiting the outcome of what
could be the most significant contract negotiations in the history of
education. Attention is centered on Muskingum Professor of English Alex
Administrators here and elsewhere are expressing concern that they
may find it difficult to replace the huge percentage of middle-
Meanwhile, professors from around the nation have sent literally
tons of propagandizing mail in their colleague’s favor to the jury of
Leonhardt’s peers
Donald Moorhead, professor of Law and Literature at Harvard
University, has called Leonhardt’s defense “the greatest achievement to
date by any academic in any field,” while Muskingum President Brion
Andrews, himself a former Cambridge lecturer in English, has referred
to it as “embarrassing nonsense.” In lieu of a public statement,
Leonhardt himself has been handing out hand-
NEW YORK (AP) The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
has announced that, beginning in 1993, every athlete is entitled to
have coaching and officiating performed in his own language. Due to the
large number of foreign athletes on America’s college campuses, the new
ruling will necessitate the hiring of record numbers of multi-
Athletes have expressed mixed reactions to the new requirements. One Korean student pointed out, “I did not come to America to practice my own language,” while an Australian noted, “Who cares? I’ll graduate before that anyway.” At a large midwestern university, American athletes felt that the ruling was unnecessary. “Honestly,” said one, “not even the native speakers ever understood Bo, anyway.”
NICOSIA, CYPRUS (Reuters) In a thinly-
Meanwhile, ILC has reportedly also offered starting salaries of up
to US$200,000 for B.A.’s in linguistics. Few have accepted positions,
however, because it is generally believed that anyone holding such a
contract would be barred by common consent from attending scholarly
conferences among self-