The intimate connection between general linguistics and the learning
and teaching of foreign languages is easy to understand, even for the
layman. Those who understand best the nature of language
In practice, a relationship has developed whereby language teachers humbly look to linguists to instruct them as to the most effective means of helping students quickly attain proficiency in a second tongue. Much success has thus been enjoyed.
A moment’s reflection, however, will make clear an astonishing
omission on the part of linguists: having generously aided language
teachers, we have thereafter entirely forgotten to apply the insights
we have helped them to gain to our own pedagogical endeavors
Current methods for instruction of linguistics clearly most
resemble the traditional GRAMMAR-
Of course, one problem commonly faced in instruction of linguistics is the typically high level of affective filter with which students approach some topics. Surely the armchair and soft music techniques of the SUGGESTOPEDIA movement would do much to calm the trepidations with which our pitiable graduate students confront, for example, logical semantics.
More exciting, however, are the possibilities presented by
TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE theory. This behaviorally-
Without question, the greatest potential lies in the
Taken together, these modern methods of language instruction, developed originally from the work of linguists, quite clearly represent a future of pedagogy towards which our own instruction must move, if we hope to produce among the linguists who will succeed us a level of ability that will guarantee continued progress in our hallowed field of study.