Volume 93 |
Number 4 |
December 1991 |
Reinterpretation of 'Eat your heart out' and Other
Incorporative Metaphors in Modern English
J. Dahmer
The Planarian Ideal: Transmission of Intelligence Through the
Digestive Process
Toby Eaton
Oats is for Scots, but What About the Irish?
J. Swift
All I Really Wanted to Do Was Play Baseball With the Guys
G. Rendl
Twain's Cannibalism in the Cars: Myth or Confessional Narrative?
Kali Bhan
What Shortage? Malthus was a Dope.
E. Gein
Journal of the American Anthropophagological Association
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The Tribesman--Aya Katz |
SpecGram Vol CXLVII, No 1 Contents |