R | O | S | T | P | A | S | A | G | E |
E | A | S | H | R | S | I | M | O | T |
A | L | S | O | E | S | S | I | V | E |
D | I | A | M | S | E | U | R | E | C |
A | M | B | O | U | N | D | A | R | Y |
N | B | A | M | P | S | O | K | N | A |
D | P | R | O | P | E | R | I | O | D |
A | H | I | R | O | A | D | A | R | E |
S | U | N | P | S | I | E | R | S | E |
H | I | G | H | E | R | R | A | N | K |
Here is the solution to Rasmus Rask Puzzle XV from the last issue. These brilliant puzzle-
Aisha Choudhury • Arcadia Arcadopoulou • Vincent Fish
The solutions to last issue’s Phonetic Drop Quote II is: /bikʌz ɛvɹiwʌn juzɪz læŋgwɪd͡ʒ tu tɔk ɛvɹiwʌn θɪŋks ðeɪ kæn tɔk əbaʊt læŋgwɪd͡ʒ/ (“Because everyone uses language to talk, everyone thinks they can talk about language..”).
These brilliant puzzle-
Emma Čapková • Ben Joeng • Vincent Fish • Arcadia Arcadopoulou
The solutions to last issue’s puzzle, Mix & Match ***, are provided here. The nine 9-letter words from the first puzzle are: empirical, redundant, stigmatas, paragraph, epigraphy, cheapshot, hortatory, unsatiric, gynocracy; and the three additional words are: metaphony, anaphoric, cataphora. For the second puzzle, the nine words are: infirmary, morphemic, promotion, languages, orthoplex, singalong, ineffable, obsession, nosesmart; and the three additional words are: implosion, frontness, metaplasm.
The following puzzlemeisters have earned the glory that comes with solving this puzzle:
Vincent Fish • Taylor Elpis Alford • Ben Joeng • Emma Čapková • Mikael Thompson • Arcadia Arcadopoulou • Misa Gonzalez • Thorsten Schröter • Keith Slater