Chesterton “ʍcɢ” Wilburfors Gilchrist, IV
Grad Student Union Steward, United Linguistics Workers**
All names have been changed to protect the guilty innocent.
Preterite: Beware of Germans bearing Gifts.Keysmith: I once visited a tourist shop in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania called Das Gift Haus. The visit went better than you might have predicted.Preterite: Are you sure you got the right address?Jargonisation: But a Frenchman carrying poisson is fine, especially if he’s into distribution.Linguistically: As are Frenchmen bearing pain.Doublespeak: Beware of Polish theologians who get stuck in a Bog.MilkCaramel: After the Russians took control of the Buriats, a Mongolic people around Irkutsk, the Russian Orthodox Church took a hard line on any possible syncretism among the Buriats and insisted that God be called Bog even in Buriat texts. The trouble is that if you use the spelling closest to the Russian, ⟨bog⟩ [bɔg] means ‘garbage, rubbish, Scheiss’ (the basic meaning is ‘windblown dried grass’, rather like how crap originally meant ‘chaff’). (It also has a homonym meaning ‘small livestock’, i.e. sheep and goats.) If you use the spelling transcribed ⟨bug⟩ [bog], which is closest to the Russian pronunciation, that means ‘demon, evil ghost’. Nonetheless, the Orthodox Church persisted.Jargonisation: So bad...those damn false cognates...
More to come...
* My Grandpapáeavesdropping serendipitous fieldwork.
As I am noteavesdropper serendipitous fieldworker my Grandpapá is, and I don’t
** This Research is gratefully sponsored by the ULŋW Local #1729.
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