Not much is known about the Assembly of Argotic Assassins (AAA)
Based on another document “acquired” during our “counter-
Also of note: during our “enhanced fieldwork session” prior to the Aspirant Apprentice Assassin’s “counter-
† We at Linguistic Liquidators, Ltd, were hired by the Editorial Board of Speculative Grammarian to provide “philologistical support” at SpecGram Towers during the suspected period of the “hostile acquisition” attempt.
‡ Our Historical Philology Analysts have, unfortunately, been unable to reliably date this manuscript relative to the well-
‡† A deep records search by Linguistic Liquidators’ Library Dwarves has, however, uncovered a very early use of covfeffelikely probable possible precursor of covfefe
An image of the relevant excerpt is provided below, along with a high-
This foule, as noẇ come fıom ıhe łower bel,Retir’d againe iṅto ḃer eaıthly cel,Is ftil the fame, as filent as bєfore,Confeß’d fmal fınnes,but would covfeffe no moreYєt had three houers giuen. O precıous time!One teare at leaft for enery mortal crime:One aƐt of forrow. Qh ! in time begm.Take bat the croffe ïnto thy hand ( quoth they)A holẏ taþer. She would not obey.
SpecGram Dictionary of the Linguistics of Mythological Beasts |
Linguistics, The Study of Linguists: An Overview |
SpecGram Vol CXCII, No 1 Contents |