[Note: This editorial has been accepted for publication as it was deemed of interest to our audience. No guarantees are offered on quality or relevance. —Eds.]
Press Release Editorial Begins
It has come to our attention that the passive voice has been deemed extraneous to good style. Advice has been given by leaders in grammar and style that the passive is seen as slow or awkward. This important linguistic structure has been denigrated by cartoonists and authors alike too!
Let there be no more of this! The passive is supported by us and monies are being raised to support the campaign led by our organisation.
It will be shown that negative criticisms of the passive have been shown to be fallacious. Understanding is not slowed by the passive, neither can it be proven that reading is slowed by it.
Socially speaking, criticisms of the passive are known to be examples of prescriptivism and elitism. No harm is incurred by anyone who hides or sidelines an agent. In fact, this is done every day by respected organisations such as the FBI, MI5 and academics around the world. Being hidden is what good agents are known to do!
Our organisation is therefore being tasked with the recuperation of the hiding of agents, the establishment of Passive Day and the partnership to be built with the Nominalisation Trust. It is hoped that our group will be joined by many others.
Passives Must Be Free!
Be membered by us by having money and your name sent to our address.