Our archives overflow with testimonials and reviews of SpecGramcrackpots valued readers who write to us to tell us what they think of us are inconsequential nobodies just normal people, but occasionally we have gotten praise or scorn from those who turn out to be historically important figures. As such, we have decided to share some of their thoughts with you crackpots valued readers who are, like us, inconsequential nobodies just normal people.
The following reviews of SpecGram are, to the best of our knowledge, genuine, except possibly for the review by Alexander III of Macedon
I read SpecGram for its wit, wisdom and wordification. I’ve been pondering philosophy while meandering around the corridors of Elsinore for years, winding up courtiers with golden come-
—Hamlet, son of Hamlet
You might know me as history’s first universalist. Wherever I traipsed with my 1000s strong army, I’d imbibe the local cultural norms and sometimes even marry a local! And it’s that spirit of universalism that keeps me subscribing to SpecGram: never parochial, never elitist, SpecGram steadfastly maintains an inclusivist and cosmopolitan take on the world of words with articles, commentary, analysis and the occasional joke that celebrates the typological and disciplinarity variety of language. So, wherever I found a new Alexandria, I make sure there’s a SpecGram retail outlet somewhere in town. Speculative Grammarian, like me, it’S Great.
—Lexy the G.
I’m afraid I’ve recently unsubscribed to SpecGram after several years of loyal readershiphood. I’ll tell you why: one of my favorite maxims is “To thine own self be true” (and I won’t apologise for the antiquated pronouns: I feel they lend gravitas and resonance to the pronouncement). Anyway, that’s where I’ve fallen out with SpecGram, I’m afraid. Just occasionally, I get that slight twinge that, well, they’re just not taking themselves seriously. It’s hard to put my finger on, but the odd article, sometimes just a phrase within an otherwise sensible and sober piece, smacks of light-
—Papa Polonius
People all over the world read my stuff, plays, poetry and the rest of it, but all I ever wanted to do was write for SpecGram. Unfortunately, my insistence on using iambic pentameter for all my submissions, even when asked to do an editorial, let to a bit of a tiz-
All best,
Big Willie.
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