Also Somewat Against Diskarding Symbolz from Anglisist Riting—But in a Kompletely Different Way—Jacqueline Xóchitl Xaviera Concepción Wołoszczak, PhD and Dzhakalin Sotsheetluh Zaiveeëra Konsepseeyown Vowoshtshak, PeeAitshDee SpecGram Vol CLXXXIV, No 1 Contents HAIRGEL: A Preview

The Linguist Parallel Parking Challenge

Pjerpe N. D’Kular & Oldja Loppy
X. Quizzit Korps Center for Advanced Collaborative Studies

In an attempt to better understand the thought processes of expert linguists, scientists at the University of Shuffleboard set up a challenge of spatial and logical reasoning. Linguists from a variety of subfields were asked to parallel park a small white hatchback between two stationary articulated trucks. Results follow:

* -ly! You’re doing it wrongly!

** Every time Frederick Jelinek fired a linguist, the performance of his automatic parallel parker went up.

Also Somewat Against Diskarding Symbolz from Anglisist RitingBut in a Kompletely Different WayJacqueline Xóchitl Xaviera Concepción Wołoszczak, PhD and Dzhakalin Sotsheetluh Zaiveeëra Konsepseeyown Vowoshtshak, PeeAitshDee
HAIRGEL: A Preview
SpecGram Vol CLXXXIV, No 1 Contents