Arabic Numeral to Numeri++ Converter—Daniel Swanson & Trey Jones SpecGram Vol CLXXX, No 4 Contents From the Archives!—SpecGram Propaganda XV—The SpecGram Archive Elves™

Оrthоgraрhіc Perрlехer

The Speculative Grammarian Оrthοɡrаphіс Ρerplехеr is a not-quite-pointless little tool that will munge your text, randomly replacing some characters with homoglyphs that are nearly identical1or at least quite reasonably similar to the untrained eye. Why? To make digital text both very hard and very easy to find via normal search (try to find “οrthoɡrарhіс реrрleхer” on this page, for example); to confuse and amaze your friends and enemies alike;6 to pass the time in a typographically pleasing way.7 The Οrthоɡraphіс Perрlеxer is available on the SpecGram website.

1 Some limitations apply. Some charactersespecially a-like and o-like charactersdo better than others. Some fonts do much better than others. The Оrthоgrарhіс Реrplеxеr shows samples of your реrрlехeԁ tеxt in some reasonably common and reasonably effective fonts, though your results will vary2 depending on the exact letters you use and substitution sets you enable.3 The Оrthоɡrарhіc Ρеrpleхer attempts to detect which fonts are available4 and shows samples in those fonts.5

2 If you don’t like the look of a particular character in a particular font that you want to use, you can re-реrplех your text and hope for a more favorable roll of the dice the next time. You can also explicitly exclude certain characters from being used in your реrрleхеd tехt by listing them in the “Exclude these characters” section.

3 Characters in the selected substitution sets can be swapped for others in other substitution sets. If your input is in the Latin alphabet, you need to select “Latin”, or no Latin characters will be considered for substitution. That would be very boring.

The default selections generally work quite well in most fonts, with the others being much more likely to fail in any given font. But when they do work, they are quite perрlехіnɡ.

4 Three additional samples are available.

The Color Coded sample highlights which specific characters have been substituted (or available for substitution but left unchanged). In many browsers, hovering your mouse over a color coded character will also show a tool tip with the character set used.

The Noto Web Fonts sample loads Google’s Noto sans-serif web fonts, which have been designed to have a reasonably similar design across all covered writing systems. These fonts are not installed on your system unless you installed them, so cut-n-paste will generally not work well for the Noto sample, but it gives you an idea of the best plausible display scenario for the pеrрlехed tеxt you’ve generated.

The first item in the “Sampler” section is labeled “Default”. This is just what your browser does without any instructions on what fonts to try. Compare with your friends to see who can claim typograpһiс ѕuреriorityǃ

5 Mobile devices often lie about having particular fonts, for example claiming they have Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma, and Verdana when they are all just aliased to the same thing. Sorry.

Also, not all characters are available in all fonts, so each font falls back to either the “Last Resort” font, usually installed on OS X and available for download from the Unicode Consortium, or a local copy of the “Not Defined” font. The Last Resort font shows a representative character from the Unicode block in question, with a border that shows the name of the Unicode block and the character’s hexadecimal code, though the border information can be hard to see in smaller sizes. Click on the the sample here to see a larger version. The “Not Defined” font is just a series of boxes with X’s in them, but it gets the job done: . If you enable all of the substitution sets, you will probably become really familiar with one of these fall-back fonts very quicklyunless you have tуpoɡraрһic suреrіοrіtyǃ

6 Though if you use the Оrthoɡrарhіс Ρеrрleхer on unsuspecting and underserving civilians and other non-combatants, you are a right jerk. I’ll say no more, but you know who you are.

7 And/or to assert your tуpοgrapһiϲ suреrіorityǃ

Arabic Numeral to Numeri++ ConverterDaniel Swanson & Trey Jones
From the Archives!SpecGram Propaganda XVThe SpecGram Archive Elves™
SpecGram Vol CLXXX, No 4 Contents