A Sample of Self-Definers—Syntax & Grammar: Part II
The SpecGram Book Elves™
Here is a fourteenth hand-curated selection from “Appendix A: A Self-Defining Linguistic Glossary”, a.k.a. “The only truly reliable cram sheet for your Linguistics 101 final”, from The Speculative Grammarian Essential Guide to Linguistics.
- What this is is a pseudo-cleft.
- John has been studying pseudogapping more than he has other types of ellipsis.
- “Quotative inversion is cool,” said Bill.
- I want him to understand raising.
- They are using reciprocal constructions on each other.
- I’m using a reflexive on myself.
- Here is a clause which has been relativized.
- John knows a lot about sluicing, but what I don’t know.
- to boldly split infinitives
- John studied stripping, and Bill too.
- Serving as a subject complement is possible.
- When there’s a subordinate clause there’s also a main clause.
- It’s a tag question, isn’t it?
- Whati do you want ti to undergo a transformation?
- Transitive clauses affect linguists deeply.
- The verb’s valence was changed by the speaker.
- *ungrammatical mark as
- [N̄ [AP [Ā [A X-bar]]] [N theory]]
- Is this a yes/no question?
More to come...