On fieldwork, I met a translator
Whose clients all said, “we don’t rate ’er.
She’s too ’igh-fallutin’
And yer darn tootin’
We won’t pay such a strong aspirator.”
—Col. O. Nihilist
Conlanging I know not a thing on,
But Star Trek want something to bring on.
I’ll just throw some darts
At these IPA charts,
And whatever I get, call it Klingon.
—Pete Bleackley
A renowned Textese expert at Warwick
Was accused of gross database con trick.
This got him so bitter
That he posted @Twitter
“#allmytweets ain’t faked data, it’s my yardstick.”
—Cailín na Luimní
As I learn more of creolization,
I have come to this re-olization:
Putting narwhals & orcas
With whales from Mallorca
Will not make “Gallo-Cetacean”.
—Κόμμα Ο᾿Κῶλον
Pinching up narrower,
Curve gives me shiny new
Jargon to use.
Flat’ning out shallower,
Next one was panned by the
Novelty Muse.
—Mannfrum van Tuckett