SpecGram >> Vol CLXXI, No 1 >> “Systematic Suppletion: An Investigation of Ksotre Case Marking”by Lawrence R. Muddybanks, Ph.D.and“On Apparent ‘Systematic Suppletion’ in Ksotre”by Angus Æ. Balderdash, Esq. and Julienne Autolycus, Ph.D.Reviewed by Noah McMosky

Cartoon Theories of Linguistics—by Phineas Q. Phlogiston, Ph.D. (with guest contributors—Hilário Parenchyma, C.Phil. and Erin Taylor)—Reviewed by Steve Dodson SpecGram Vol CLXXI, No 1 Contents “Modern and Historical Graphical Representations of Structural Relationships in Spoken and Written English Sentential Utterances”—by Nattapoŋ Yunloŋ Seuŋyoŋ—Reviewed by the Society for the Topological and Extensional Modelling of Pseudopositivist & Ontological Statements Evaluating UR Research

“Systematic Suppletion: An Investigation of Ksotre Case Marking”
by Lawrence R. Muddybanks, Ph.D.
“On Apparent ‘Systematic Suppletion’ in Ksotre”
by Angus Æ. Balderdash, Esq. and Julienne Autolycus, Ph.D.

From Speculative Grammarian CLII.2-CLII.4, March-July 2007

Reviewed by Noah McMosky
Professor of Abstract Syntax
University of Ledworth

These are papers which had a profound effect on my linguistic career. The first was brought to my attention shortly after I began work on my Compendium of Syntactical Transformations, the 6-volume opus in which I exhaustively document the processes by which the grammar of any language may be equated to that of any other language. 1,2 It focussed my attention, in a somewhat unwelcome way, on a question with which I had been strugglingwhat role, if any, does morphology play in all this? The unusual features of the Ksotre case system documented by Muddybanks at first seemed impossible to accommodate, and some foolish and excitable students were heard to say that they would bring the whole edifice of Universal Grammar crashing to the ground.

It was therefore with great relief that I read the work of Balderdash and Autolycus, which provided the whole phenomenon with, if not a sensible explanation, at least one that one could get away with trotting out at conferences. Between them, these papers confirmed me in the belief that morphology is merely a trivial surface phenomenon, unworthy of the attention of serious linguists.

1 Most usefully English.

2 Available from University of Ledworth press, price £149.99.

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© MCMLXXXVIII — MMXXV Speculative Grammarian