Having been asked kindly to write a review for Speculative Grammarian, I assembled the usual suspects and set forth on a lovely summer evening to Choose My Own Career in Linguistics. In this case, the usual suspects are my mother’s favorite, eager-
The results were quite satisfactory with the requisite quantity of poignant moments, poetic justice, luscious sweeping generalizations and, of course, explosions. Without revealing too much, I can say that, if you were to trust the wry (if not evil) genius behind the mechanism (which you may as well do), those of us who might choose or have chosen careers in linguistics more or less get what’s coming to us
Euphrates the Cat ended up living the life of a sardonic skillionaire which is to be expected as this is how she generally rolls.
Yep. It was pretty accurate.
We all recommend this adventure to you wholeheartedly as, with the accuracy of well-