This 33rd collection of students’ pearls of wisdom, laboriously digitised from hand-
Consider the italicized word in this sentence:
Arguing with bigots is pointless.
State the word-
Give two other examples of English words that follow the same rule.
-less is added to indicate that the referential meaning of the stem does not occur or exist.
The suffix means the lack of the noun’s presence.
It is a derivitional affix with a transparent meaning.
-less means without something (the stem).
In alphabetical order: attachment, beginningless, bookmark, breakdown, brotherhood, cloudy, consonantal, clue, commitment, courageous, disappear, dislike, disobey, dreadful, faithful, foolishness, friend, friendly, greedy, handbag, handful, happiness, lovely, meaning, meaningful, mournful, national, point, postgraduate, printable, roomful, seasick, settlement, sharply, sinful, students, teacher, unhappy, unhelpful, use, walkman, washable, yawning.
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