Linguistics and Television—C. Robson SpecGram Vol CLXVI, No 4 Contents Degenerative Grammar—Our Current State of Linguistic Degradation—D. T. R. O’Rait, D. Bauch, and Wayne N. DeKay

Restored Things You Didn’t Know You Didn’t Know
(because they aren’t actually true)

gathered at great personal risk of
psycholinguistic harm from actual student papers
by Madalena Cruz-Ferreira

This 29th collection of students’ pearls of wisdom, laboriously digitised from hand-written papers, demonstrates once again how students new to the study of language speculate about grammar after having imperfectly absorbed what their teachers think they have taught them.

Test Question—the word ‘to’

Analyse the different word classes of the word ‘to’ in the following data.

  1. She was bored to death.
  2. Nobody wants to die too soon.


More to come...

Linguistics and TelevisionC. Robson
Degenerative GrammarOur Current State of Linguistic DegradationD. T. R. O’Rait, D. Bauch, and Wayne N. DeKay
SpecGram Vol CLXVI, No 4 Contents