This 39th collection of students’ pearls of wisdom, laboriously digitised from hand-
Discuss the ambiguity of the compound English grammarian.
-ian is attached to the compound English grammar, not to any grammar of other languages. For the second meaning I change the noun English grammar to the person.
One meaning is: the grammar is teaching English. Another: an Englishman is in the grammarian department. One is a land of the grammarian (the fact that he is teaching English) in endocentric analysis. This contradicts with exocentric in which it is not a land, in the context.
English grammarian comes from English grammar and this is a endogenic compound. From the exocentric viewpoint, the grammarian is not a kind of ‘English’.
It is ambiguous because it does not mean that the grammarian which is the noun is English.
‘English grammarian’ has two meanings. One is a person who likes English grammar, as in ‘English musician’. The other English grammarian is a noun which means a person who is English but does not like his grammar.
Unlike English teacher, this is not a verbal compound which is formed with a verb and an -ed suffix, so we don’t know what the English is the object of.
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