This 15th collection of students’ pearls of wisdom, laboriously digitised from hand-
In graffiti, a vandal through his ingenuity of creating new words may change the meaning and compress its meaning in language play.
Graffiti are found on the walls of places like public lavatories as they are illegal avenues of public expression of one’s discontentment.
Despite adopting the same techniques as literature works do, language play has never been treated as secondary in status to literature also.
Though English play has been used to achieve artistic effects, it is being demonstrated that the influence is still within our control.
The singers sing in a heavily-
Literature is often read as a form of leisure.
The cannon of English Literacy is not always followed. Writer Dickens in his extracts in Bleak House, omits the main verb.
Spontaneous language is impromptu and its prominence is more significant than it is in black and white in a newspaper.
We now look at newspapers whereby puns are prevalent.
Indexical signs in ads often do not help to compliment the iconic and symbolic symbols. For instance a toothpaste advertisement which goes like this ‘xxx shampoo keeps your hair smooth’.
Ads exploit all levels of language, from pronunciation to fonts. For example, we can have half-
There is a need to teach academic genres because all methods of genre teaching are limited in scope.
To write an appreciation of a literary work, pupils are therefore expected to get acquainted with the genres and place any work in its genre to help not only himself but also the readers for better understanding.
The English language functions as an academic genre.
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