How to Get a Reputation as an Impressive Fieldworker—Sharing the secrets behind the successes—Phil Dwork SpecGram Vol CLIX, No 1 Contents Vallelz Noun Class Word Search—Keith Slater and Trey Jones
Performance artist seeks gallery. Ruby Ling Selfs­schmidt per­forms a pene­trating auto­bio­graph­ic­ization, The Dark­ness of Lingo­scholastic­ism. Gallery space must include a lectern and seating for an audience of 5. Private English lessons. Linguis­tics grad student offers per­sonal instruc­tion in English. One on one setting guaran­teed. Other services may be nego­tiated. Hand­made linguis­tic data note­book paper for sale. By the ream or by the sheet. Made from all natural hemp. Your data will really look richer with this “smoking” hot paper!
/lɛməˈneɪd/ for sale. $5.00 per glass. Look for my stand in the linguis­tics depart­ment lounge.
Linguist seeks infor­mant. My dis­serta­tion pro­posal is for field­work on Human­ities prof­essors. Specific­ally, I seek to under­stand the dis­course of the noblest lectur­ers, who are de­voted to scholar­ship for its intrin­sic beauty, and who would not stoop to sully its purity by barter­ing know­ledge for Mammon. Linguis­tic trans­lation service. I completed con­current PhDs at UCLA and UCSB. I can trans­late any formal paper into func­tional lingo, and vice-versa. Avail­able to inter­pret at linguis­tic con­ferences, job talks, or depart­ment col­loquia. Reason­able rates with the lowest per diem of any theory-bilingual linguist in America.
Linguistics Lecture! Every Friday night, just after the off-campus bars close. In the Morrill Hall lecture hall. Prof. Everyprof brings you the latest insights from linguistic typology. Styrofoam bats available for salefeel free to pummel Prof. Everyprof to your heart’s content!

How to Get a Reputation as an Impressive Fieldworker—Sharing the secrets behind the successes—Phil Dwork
Vallelz Noun Class Word Search—Keith Slater and Trey Jones
SpecGram Vol CLIX, No 1 Contents