Seldom does a field so young and controversy-
In compiling her definitions, Gayle has made extensive use of the intuitions of literally hundreds of linguists, obtained through a carefully-
The elegance of the entries speaks for itself, and thus we can best recommend the book by presenting several sample entries from this invaluable reference work, which we now do.
In sum, I give the Dictionary of Essential Linguistics Vocabulary two thumbs up.
analyze. (vt.) To reduce to a series of quantifiable, easily interpretable statements, detailing necessary and sufficient conditions for the entity in question to obtain.
Pike. (n.) 1. A freshwater fish, common to North American waters. 2. A long, spear-
powerful. (adj.) (of a theory) 1. Capable of prompting the publication of a very large number of articles by respected scholars. 2. Capable of causing the individual who invented it to attain the title “scholar” in other scholars’ writings (see also transformation).
tagmeme. (n.) A unit of analysis (see also Pike).
technical terminology. (pl. n.) See slang.
word. (n.) 1. A minimal free form. 2. (capital W) A journal which is neither minimal nor free.