Notes on the Kzinti Language--Arthur Saxtorph SpecGram Vol CXLVII, No 2 Contents

Indo-European Crossword Puzzle No. 1

       1  r    e 2 g 3  o    s        4         5          6  7  8        
9                 10                 11                                 12                         
               13                  14                        15                                        
16  17                                               18                                      19 
       20                 21         22                                        23                
24                         25  26                                27                                 
               28                                 29          30                                       
31  32                33          34                 35                                         
36          37                 38                  39                                             
40                                41                                 42  43         44        
                      45  46                                 47                  48          49 
50          51                               52  53                54                         
               55  56                  57         58  59  60                               
61                                         62  63                          64         65         
                                     66                                 67                                 

Complete the crossword by supplying the Indo-European root suggested by the reflexes glossed for each number, using forms given in Pokorny's Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch (1959). Treat aspirated (bh, etc.) and labialized (k, etc.) stops as a single character. Omit marks of vowel length and accent, but distiguish palatal and velar stops, syllabics and non-syllabics, vowels and semi-vowels. The first one has been done for you.


1. Gk. ἔρεβος ‘underworld, darkness’   
5. Lat. angustus ‘narrow’
9. Gk. μή ‘(that) not’
10. Arm. ełeṙn ‘bad luck’
11. Slv. jabolka ‘apple’
12. Lat. onus ‘burden’
13. Lit. sniẽgas ‘snow’
15. Umbr. ager ‘field’
16. Eng. howl
20. Lyd. -k ‘and’
22. OInd. sárva ‘entire’
24. OIr. mer ‘finger’
25. OCS kyjъ ‘hammer’
27. Lit. krušà ‘hail’
28. Latv. slarkšêt ‘drag along’
29. OInd. ágra ‘point’
31. Bret. teuzi ‘melt’
33. Corn. dor ‘door’
35. Oper. antar ‘between’
36. Lat. unguis ‘fingernail’
38. Lit. ė̃desis ‘food’
40. OIsl. mund ‘hand’
41. Arm. hin ‘old’
42. OInd. māyā ‘illusion’
45. OIr. īasc ‘fish’
47. Ukr. žurba ‘sorrow’
50. Eng. better
52. Got. aha ‘sense’
54. Toch. B ṣalype ‘fat’
55. Slv. jezero ‘lake’
58. Cz. lačný ‘hungry’
61. OE eoh ‘horse’
62. OIr. sliassait ‘thigh’
65. Arm. han ‘grandmother’
66. NBret. ster ‘creek’
67. Slk. čren ‘jawbone’

2. OIr. ben ‘woman’
3. Hitt. hullāi ‘besiege’
4. Wlsh. afon ‘water demon’
5. Gk. ἀλαλά ‘hello’
6. Phryg. -zordum ‘city’
7. MIr. anim ‘mistake’
8. Alb. ‘this’
9. Gk. βράκανα ‘wild vegetable’
11. ON. ōtti ‘front room’
13. Slv. šest ‘six’
14. Gk. ἰλύς ‘slime’
17. Lat. aqua ‘water’
18. Lit. blōgas ‘weak’
19. Lat. fascis ‘bundle’
21. OInd. kr̥dhú- ‘shortened’
22. Alb. shi ‘rain’
23. Av. dāϑra ‘gift’
24. OInd. mrtá ‘death’
26. Eng. axe
27. OIr. cnāim ‘bone’
29. Gk. ἄρακος ‘legume weed’
30. OInd. rāmá ‘black’
32. ON ǫnd ‘front room’
34. OCS jasli ‘crib’
37. Russ. orú ‘cry out’
39. Toch. A sə-m ‘this’
43. ON ansa ‘create’
44. Gk. γωλεός ‘hole’
46. OCS rosa ‘dew’
48. Lat. rēpō ‘creep’
49. OIsl. speni ‘teat’
50. ON. blauđr ‘fearsome’
51. OInd. dūráh ‘removed’
53. Pol. czołgać ‘creep’
56. Lit. az ‘behind’
57. Alb. asht ‘bone’
59. OCS lajǫ ‘complain’
60. Gk. κίσσα ‘jay’
63. Wlsh. pawr ‘meadow’
64. OHG gān ‘go’
65. OIr. an-d ‘here’

BONUS!! Complete the crossword, and send it or a copy thereof to "Speculative Grammarian Crossword, c/o D. Reindl, Dept. Linguistics, Box 1892, Rice University, Houston, TX 77251" by March 1st, 1993, and if your solution is correct, your name will be entered into a drawing for a special prize, the nature of which will not and cannot, unfortunately, be disclosed here.

Notes on the Kzinti Language--Arthur Saxtorph
SpecGram Vol CXLVII, No 2 Contents