Cartoon Theories of Linguistics—Part 13—Langue vs. Parole—Phineas Q. Phlogiston, Ph.D. SpecGram Vol CLV, No 1 Contents
JOB: PROFESSOR OF LINGUISTICS, Uni­ver­si­ty of Can­ter­bury, NZPo­ran­ga­hau branch. Ten­ure-track po­si­tion. Du­ties in­clude teach­ing 118 or more cour­ses per year, as need­ed. Perks in­clude full den­tal, 8 months va­ca­tion per year, and the use of the de­part­men­tal cot­tage in Tau­ma­ta­wha­ka­tang­i­han­ga­ko­au­au­o­ta­ma­te­a­po­kai­whe­nua­ki­ta­na­ta­hu. Ph: +64 3 364 2089 NEEDED: HISTORICAL CULINARY LINGUIST well-versed in An­cient Greek mouth-re­lat­ed ac­tiv­i­ties. Must be able to both pre­pare and pro­nounce Lo­pa­do­te­ma­kho­se­la­kho­ga­leo­kra­nio­le­ip­sa­no­drim­hy­po­trim­ma­to­sil­phio­ka­ra­bo­me­li­to­ka­ta­ke­khy­me­no­kikh­le­pi­kos­sy­pho­phat­to­pe­ri­ster­alek­try­on­op­to­ke­phal­li­o­kig­klo­pe­lei­o­lagōio­si­raio­baphē­tra­ga­nop­terýgōn. Univ. of Ath­ens Ling Dept., Craft Ser­vic­es Di­vi­sion. Call 210 727 7310.
FOR SALE: COM­PLETE SET of text­booksLin­guis­tics, An In­tro­duc­tion to Lan­guage and Com­mu­ni­ca­tionby Adri­an Ak­ma­ji­an, and a cast of thou­sands, Edi­tions 1-94. Call Björn-Bob or Jen­ny at 867 5309.
WANTED TO BUY: LIGHT­LY USED PHONES. Phones must re­tain good-to-ex­cel­lent sound to be con­sid­ered. Will pay top dol­lar. Sec­ond Sounds, P.O. Box ɣɤɰ­ɯɽ, Hou­ston, TX, 77017 RECYCLE USED FOOT­NOTES in­to new books! MIT Ling. Dept.: 617-253-4141

Cartoon Theories of Linguistics—Part 13—Langue vs. Parole—Phineas Q. Phlogiston, Ph.D.
SpecGram Vol CLV, No 1 Contents