Beowulf ond Godsylla—Tom Weller SpecGram Vol CLIII, No 3 Contents Moundsbar Numerals—Metalleus

Language and Psilofotismology     

Tel Monks

The concept of highlighting should define the field of a science. My justification would be as follows: we must think that highlighting gives us the assured means of broaching the possibility of the project (or its play) proper to something which I will consider at the appropriate moment.1 The effort will be laborious and will overthrow the violence that speech (vox), writing (grapha) and logos (legos™) have brought to bear on the wrongness (viscosité) of highlighting in Western texts (the lack of italics is mine). Far from being, as might be naively imagined, the mechanism of demarginalizing selected syntagmataI weigh my wordsthe act of highlighting must be seen (theoretically or otherwise) as removing from the space of inscriptions all other signifiers (lowlighting), hastening the de-structing of the epistémé. For highlighting signifies forgetfulness. My efforts will now be directed towards showing that the highlighting gesture has no “natural attachment” to the highlighted within reality and we “know” a priori, if not a fortiori,2 that my effectiveness will never be pure and absolute.

1 In the original French text, this word was unaccountably given in Warbiri (Trans.) [or Walpiri?Eds.] (Possibly.Trans.)

2 It would be imprudent to consider a posteriori when plunging in medias res.

Beowulf ond Godsylla—Tom Weller
Moundsbar Numerals—Metalleus
SpecGram Vol CLIII, No 3 Contents