A Morphosyntactic, Semantic, Pragmatic, Sociolinguistic and Literary Investigation into the Psycholinguistic Mechanisms Underlying English Puns—Pete Bleackley SpecGram Vol CLXXIII, No 4 Contents Συυιτχεροο—Γάμμα—Double Trouble—Ἔλλειψις Ἀστερίσκος and Ἔλλειψις Ἀπόστροφος

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A Morphosyntactic, Semantic, Pragmatic, Sociolinguistic and Literary Investigation into the Psycholinguistic Mechanisms Underlying English PunsPete Bleackley
ΣυυιτχεροοΓάμμαDouble TroubleἜλλειψις Ἀστερίσκος and Ἔλλειψις Ἀπόστροφος
SpecGram Vol CLXXIII, No 4 Contents