Linguistics Nerd Camp—Bethany Carlson SpecGram Vol CLXXIII, No 1 Contents Away from Animacy Equality in Computational Linguistics—Olga Gerakova

Linguimericks, Etc.
Book १९

On fieldwork, I met a translator
Whose clients all said, “we don’t rate ’er.
She’s too ’igh-fallutin’
And yer darn tootin’
We won’t pay such a strong aspirator.”
—Col. O. Nihilist

Conlanging I know not a thing on,
But Star Trek want something to bring on.
I’ll just throw some darts
At these IPA charts,
And whatever I get, call it Klingon.
—Pete Bleackley

A renowned Textese expert at Warwick
Was accused of gross database con trick.
This got him so bitter
That he posted @Twitter
“#allmytweets ain’t faked data, it’s my yardstick.”
—Cailín na Luimní

As I learn more of creolization,
I have come to this re-olization:
Putting narwhals & orcas
With whales from Mallorca
Will not make “Gallo-Cetacean”.
—Κόμμα Ο᾿Κῶλον

Pinching up narrower,
Curve gives me shiny new
Jargon to use.

Flat’ning out shallower,
Next one was panned by the
Novelty Muse.
—Mannfrum van Tuckett

Linguistics Nerd CampBethany Carlson
Away from Animacy Equality in Computational LinguisticsOlga Gerakova
SpecGram Vol CLXXIII, No 1 Contents